Posted by: Joe of St. Thérèse | January 22, 2010

Mahony’s replacement

Is going to be named soon, h/t to American Papist

::Happy Dance time::


  1. Happy Dance! Let's pray for the man, no matter who he is, he'll have some work cut out for himself!

  2. A good day for LA. Didn't you have a Mahoney countdown gadget on this blog? Can't find it.

  3. I just read the post you linked & all the comments too.It seems there are many more people doing the happy dance. 🙂

  4. Let's pray for a holy replacement.

  5. Lola, indeed so…The new archbishop has a lot of work to do. I've saved him some work by making Liturgical ReportsTH2…I think the Mahony counter fell at the redesign…I'll put it back up, I didn't realize it was gone.Molly, I think people all over the world have been doing the happy dance :)Gabriella: indeed, let us pray for a holy replacement, we need one here.

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